Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Introduce WBT in the Hallway...

The video The First Hour of WBT!
Watch live streaming video from wholebrainteaching1 at
Last night during the webcast Coach B, suggested starting the first hour of WBT in the hallway. I think this is a great idea, but finding the way to do it is another issue.

I am looking at putting note on the classroom door. "meet me in the court yard"

Once in the courtyard, have the tables and benches in a semi circle. Have a meet and greet session. Just a relax location to sit and wait and let the kids just talk to each other until the time gets closer to 8AM when everyone should be together. Then move to the hallway in front of our classroom.

So, what are your thoughts or suggestions on starting Whole Brain Teaching in the hallway?


  1. Hi Trisha! I wish I could start in the hallway but because my room is right across from the office, that means 2 entire grade levels funnel past my room. It makes for a very crowded hallway! I don't think this is going to be an option for me but I do plan on teaching some hallway behavior lessons WBT style. I say if you can make the initial hallway lesson work, go for it!

    1. Hey Kate! Thanks for being my first follower! I need to find a like button somewhere. LOL ! Is it possible to put a note on your door and have your students meet you in the cafeteria or another area. I might be wrong here, but I think the real concept is to set the expectations before they enter the room. So, just an area outside the classroom would work.

  2. I love that you are trying to think outside the box! Way to go!

    I could start in the hallway... but I we have an opening day assembly. So after the assembly I am just going to pull my students to the side of the gym (that also places one less class in the hallway). We will do the Class - Yes lesson and head to the room! They will drop their supplies in their lockers (out of sight out of mind) and we will dive into the rest of the lessons! I however won't have a full hour with the assembly and then I have music in the morning on the first day! I can still make it work!

    1. Thanks again Deanna! I am someone who tries to find a way when everyone else states that there is no way for it to be done. I have never heard of having an opening day assembly. How does that work? Is this to set expectations for the entire school? Inquiring minds want to know.... also, Kudos to you for being my second follower...
